Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prague Weekend

I went to Prague this past weekend to visit the Stewarts. Lauren and Ondra picked me up at the airport and showed me their flat and we walked around for a bit trying to find some place to eat. Then they took me to the Stewarts. I talked with Mark and Joanna for a little bit then we went to bed. Saturday I ate breakfast with Mark, Joanna and Sasha... Izaak was asleep but he is really cute... and he smiles at me haha. I walked around Prague Saturday day and saw a lot of buildings that Jansen and I had seen last time, but this time I didn't have my camera and I just sketched them. Saturday night Joanna made some delicious pizza and we all just hung out together for a little bit then watched a movie. Sunday morning I was SUPPOSED to leave :) however I got to the airport later than I should have and they would not check me in to my flight... So I had a pretty big battle with my electronic devices (No phone, Credit card wasn't working, Computer battery ran out, etc.) I eventually got a hold of my professor who emailed Mark to tell him that I was still in Prague. Mark came and picked me up and we got a flight for the next morning so I was able to go to church with the Stewarts, which is something that I really wanted to do... so God made that happen haha. So I got back to the Villa around 10:00 am Monday morning to finish my little adventure and add another story to the Life of Zachary Lee! :)

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