Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Finally home after 4 months studying abroad!.. What an amazing experience!!! I had a wonderful time but am glad to be home! :) I just want to thank everyone who followed along this blog... and thank you for all your prayers! I hope that you enjoyed the blog and the photos! Arrivederci!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Last Day

All packed up and ready to go!!! I will fly to London and stay with my friend Jeremy Rowe for a fews days and then I will be home on Sunday! See everyone then!!! I cannot wait to be home!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Snow in the Alps

This is the 6 FT of snow I mentioned in my last post. Home in 9 days!!!!

Week Trip

My class went on a week-long trip this past week to Zurich, Basel, Bregenz and Vals... and stopped at Chur, Winterthur, Ronchamp(France), Vaduz (Liechtenstein) and Sedrun (which will be explained later.) It was an amazing trip and I have plenty of stories that I will have to tell you when I get home. But now... Sedrun! My class went to the Thermal Baths in Vals (designed by Peter Zumthor) and that was SO cool! my favorite bath led outside so you could feel the rain on your head while being in 36 degree Celsius water. However, that rain turned to snow the next morning (Perfect snow... great for snowball fights which occurred many times) and we had planned to go visit a chapel designed by Zumthor... so we left Vals in the snow and I was the lead car taking us to the chapel. The snow got worse and after taking a wrong turn we decided to just head home. After taking another wrong turn (GPS fail) we were actually heading toward the chapel so we decided to continue with our original plan but when we reached the road to take us up to the chapel there was 2 feet of snow (untouched) so there was NO WAY our cars could make it so we again decided to head home. We contiuned to drive through the mountains in heavy snow getting stuck only once when my professor stopped suddenly. As we got further into the mountains apparently they were closing the road behind us and we reached a pass that closes for the winter so we were stuck in the Swiss Alps!!! We got a hotel in Sedrun and had the rest of the day to do whatever which was HAVE FUN IN THE 6 FT OF SNOW!!!! 6 FEET!!!! When I jumped into the snow I was completely submerged... it was soo fun! And we made it back to Riva safely the next day, ending one trip that I will never forget!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


and me too...


Just a couple of pictures I have of people playing soccer... the guys on the beach were insane and yes he is doing a bicycle kick... I have videos of them playing too.


This is the biggest marketplace in Barcelona...

Olympic Park

Home of the 1992 Summer Olympics...

Barcelona Pavilion

This is a Mies van der Rohe german pavilion for the 1929 International Exposition. In it was a Barcelona Chair also designed by Mies. And I sat in the chair so... I sat in the Barcelona chair in the Barcelona Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain. COOL! haha